Technical analysis indicators based on heikin ashi candles
Heikin Ashi is in essence a technical indicator and not a chart type. Because Heikin Ashi looks very much like a chart type and is extremely popular, it is often classified as a chart type. And if you say chart ... you say technical indicators.
This free package is a selection of the most popular technical analysis indicators but calculated on the basis of the Heikin Ashi candles. Hence these indicators use a prefiltered price which should result in smooth indicator values, which give a better impression of the market’s movements.
The following indicators based on Heikin Ashi candles are included:
- Bollinger bands
- Crossing MA
- Moving average
- Exponential moving average
- Weighted moving average
- Slow stochastic
- High-Low channel
- And for fun ... Heikin Ashi on the Heikin Ashi

This example shows the High-Low channel calculated on traditional candlesticks and Heikin Ashi candlesticks.
This free package is available in both NanoTrader Free and NanoTrader Full.
Click here to activate the free Heikin Ashi indicators package in the store.
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