Trade like Wim Lievens
The WL Bars
WL stands for Wim Lievens, a Belgian trader with more than 20 years experience. This trader is only interested in movement. Time is absolutely not relevant. As a matter of fact, he considers time a nuisance which only puts traders on the wrong track.
The NanoTrader trading platform is the preferred trading platform of Wim Lievens. Many of Wim's own tools and trading strategies are integrated in the platform. Some are free, some require a subscription.

The WL bars are Wim's proprietary charts. The WL Bars combine the best characteristics of ‘pure movement’ candles.
They free WL bars have many advantages. More about the WL bars.
The WL 0800 Range Break-out strategy
The WL 0800 Range Break-out strategy is a typical market open strategy. It is based on the commonly accepted Wall Street principle which states “the market open price is not randomly distributed, but is more than likely to take place at the high or the low of the day which just started”. In simple terms, this means that the open price is more often than not around the high or the low of the day.

The WL 0800 Range Break-out package contains:
- 1 strategy.
- 1 hour online teaching by Wim Lievens.
- 10 hours video teaching in German, French and Dutch by Wim Lievens.
- Unlimited telephone access to the help desk
The WL Day Trading system
In order to adapt to different market conditions the WL Day Trading System contains three complete strategies. In addition the system includes the StrategySelector which shows the trader which strategy he needs to use depending on market conditions.

- 1 StrategySelector tool.
- 3 Day trading strategies: BoxTrade, T-Channel Scalping and Heikin Ashi Reversals.
- 1 Hour online coaching with Wim Lievens.
Free webinars and seminars
WH SelfInvest regularly organizes both free and paying trading webinars and seminars with trader Wim Lievens. Feel free to register.
The WL 0800 SignalRadar table

The huge success of the SignalRadar live trading tool motivated Wim Lievens to launch a SignalRadar tables based on his strategy. All trades triggered by the strategy are visible in real-time in SignalRadar. SignalRadar is FREE.
Read more about the unique SignalRadar.
Download a free real-time demo of the NanoTrader platform, including SignalRadar.